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Door Access Management

Instructions in regards to door assignments

  • Administrators, Faculty and Staff will maintain privileges until terminated (EPA Notification /Termination Portal Notification) or otherwise determined.
  • Automated reports will be produced each semester and assignments entered by auxiliary staff based on additions to the class room reservation program (EMS) for the new term (authorization form not required for this step).
  • Privileges for individuals with current access described as "other" will be removed from the system at the end of each semester and be required to submit the Door Access Authorization Form accordingly for reassignment approval. 
  • Other includes GA, TA, Adjuncts, Students and Research as of this update.

Door Access Authorization Form (use for faculty, staff, GA, TA, or research access)

Requesting Building Access

Campus buildings are generally open Monday through Friday with the exception of university holidays.

Notification for events and meetings that occur outside normal business hours for academic and special function areas must be communicated. Example: Mane Event, Art Exhibits, athletic events, etc.

This request is not a reservation for space but rather a notification tool to ensure that the rooms or buildings that you have reserved are accessible when needed.

To accommodate the event, please provide us the following information. Submission of this information will notify, Auxiliary Services, Facilities and University Police Department.

Remove Access

Request Access (use for events and building access)