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4th & 5th Year Probationary Faculty



January 17

4th & 5th Year Probationary Faculty: Faculty submit their probationary materials to department heads on or before this deadline.

January 17

4th & 5th Year Probationary Faculty: Provost Office distributes tenure advisory forms for probationary faculty to department heads.

January 31

4th & 5th Year Probationary Faculty: Department heads submit summaries of the departmental evaluations and recommendations to the college deans.

February 15

4th & 5th Year Probationary Faculty: College deans submit recommendations of the department heads and tenured faculty to the Provost.

March 9

4th & 5th Year Probationary Faculty: Provost forwards his/her recommendations, as well as the recommendations of the Deans' Council, to the President for final probationary reappointment.

May 31

4th & 5th Year Probationary Faculty: President's Office sends notices of reappointment/non-reappointment to 4th & 5th year probationary faculty.

*If the due date falls on a weekend or a holiday, the due date will be the following business day.