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Global Events and Travel

Global Events

Global Events are events that build global competency. These events assist students in forming skills that allow them to effectively interact and build relationships with people around the world. This includes but is not limited to learning about other cultures, history, personal wellness, and service opportunities.

There are a variety of Global Events offered throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. These events are sponsored and organized by various campus departments and organizations. They can be recognized as Global Events by the appearance of the QEP logo on the advertisings.

Global Events also play a role in the application process for the three QEP programs. Attendance as well as assistance in planning or sponsoring of Global Events is utilized in the application process for Global Scholars, Global Learners, and Global Fellows.

If your campus organziation or department are interested in marketing your event as a Global Event please email us at

Global Travel

A wide range of travel opportunities are offered at A&M-Commerce through the Office of international Studies, Regents Scholars, Sophomore Experience, and varied departmental ventures. All travel groups at A&M-Commerce complete the GCAA(insert link here) prior to traveling and upon their return. Through the Global Scholar program students are offered the opportunity of a travel scholarship to study abroad the summer of their junior year. Over $75,000 has been offered in the form of travel scholarships for the years 2017 & 2018. 

For more information on Global Travel opportunities please click the following link. Global Programs Office