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33.04.02.R0.01 Use of Telecommunication Service

Procedure Statement

This procedure establishes the allowed and prohibited uses of university telecommunications services. It also establishes disciplinary actions for violations.

Reason for Procedure

This procedure supplements System Regulation 33.04.02 Use of Telecommunication Services.

Procedures and Responsibilities

  1. Extent of Telecommunications Services
    1. Workplace telecommunications service includes desk and cellular telephones, facsimile (fax), email, and internet connections.
    2. Non-business use of local telecommunication service is permitted as long as that use is of minimal time and duration, does not impede university function, and does not result in additional cost to the state. In the event that it is necessary for an employee to incur an additional charge from a East Texas A&M University telephone, facsimile, email, or internet connection for non-business use, a personal calling card, collect, or third-party charge should be used. No non-business collect calls should be charged to an A&M-Commerce telephone.
    3. If the non-business usage of telecommunication services results in a direct cost to A&M-Commerce for any reason, it is the employee's responsibility to reimburse the employee's department as shown in paragraph 2.1 of this procedure.
  2. Telephone Billing
    1. The Center for IT Excellence at A&M-Commerce distributes monthly telephone usage reports to each account manager with costs per call. This report will be used to determine the reimbursement rate for non-business use of university telephone services.
  3. Prohibited Uses of Telecommunications Equipment
    1. Intentionally accessing, creating, storing, or transmitting material which A&M-Commerce may deem to be offensive, indecent, or obscene (other than in the course of academic research where this aspect of the research has the explicit approval of the A&M-Commerce official processes for dealing with academic ethical issues OR information security and/or university police personnel involved in an investigation of possible violation of this procedure or unlawful activity).
    2. Personal commercial advertising using A&M-Commerce web sites.
    3. Violating copyright laws by inappropriately distributing protected works.
    4. The use of telecommunication for private, commercial purposes is strictly prohibited regardless of whether or not it results in an additional charge to A&M-Commerce.
  4. Prohibited Uses of Email
    1. Sending email that is intimidating or harassing.
    2. Using email for conducting personal business for profit.
    3. Using email for purposes of political lobbying or campaigning.
    4. Posing as anyone other than oneself when sending email except when authorized to send messages for another when serving in an administrative support role.
    5. Individuals must not send, forward, or receive confidential or sensitive A&M-Commerce information through non-A&M-Commerce email accounts.S
      1. Examples of non-A&M-Commerce email accounts include, but are not limited to, Hotmail, Yahoo mail, AOL mail, and email provided by other Internet Service Providers (ISP).
      Electronic mail users must not give the impression that they are representing, giving opinions, or otherwise making statements on behalf of A&M-Commerce or any unit of the Texas A&M University System unless appropriately authorized (explicitly or implicitly) to do so.
      1. Where appropriate, an explicit disclaimer will be included unless it is clear from the context that the author is not representing A&M-Commerce. An example of a simple disclaimer is, "the opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employer."
    6. The following activities using university email facilities are prohibited because they impede the functioning of network communications and the efficient operations of electronic mail systems:
      1. Sending solicited or unsolicited messages to large groups except when required to conduct university business.
      2. Sending or forwarding email that is likely to contain computer viruses.
  5. Retention and Public Records - Users of university electronic facilities must be aware that:
    1. Computer files and email are subject to the same records retention rules that apply to other documents and must be retained in accordance with A&M System records retention schedules.
    2. Computer files and email are subject to the Open Records Act.
    3. Saving messages on an email server is insufficient for archival records retention.
  6. Disciplinary Action - Violation of this procedure may result in immediate disciplinary action that may include, but may not be limited to:
    1. Formal reprimand
    2. Suspended or restricted access to university information resources
    3. Restitution or reimbursement for any damage or misappropriation of any agency property
    4. Suspension without pay
    5. Termination of employment
    6. Termination of contract
    7. Expulsion (permanent separation from the institution as imposed by the Student Affairs Officer if applicable)
    8. Civil prosecution
    9. State and/or federal criminal prosecution

Related Statutes, Policies, and Requirements

System Policy 33.04 Use of System Resources

System Regulation 34.04.02 Use of Telecommunication Services

Suspends University Procedure 25.99.08.R1 Use of Telecommunication Service

Contact Office

Office of Chief Information Officer, 903.886.5421