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Faculty & Staff Help

Welcome! In the effort to provide the University faculty and staff with helpful information, Procurement Services has created numerous links.  It is our mission to facilitate the needs of the university community in the procurement of goods and/or services.  Our hope is that the links in this section will answer most or if not all your procurement questions.  Further information can be obtained by contacting a member of the The Procurement Services Staff.  Go to  About Us or Contact A Buyer for further information.

Request for Proposal/Invitation for Bid

If the purchase is anticipated to exceed (or come close) to $50,000 or greater, and is not available through a state or cooperative contracts, the University will need to issue either a Request for Proposal (RFP) or an Invitation for Bid (IFB). Only the Department of Procurement Services can issue these documents and it will be up to the Department of Procurement Services which type of instrument (RFP/IFB) best suits the specific acquisition. In order to help expedite the process, if you anticipate the purchase nearing this threshold or exceeding it, please complete the Request for Proposal Requirements Form. If you would like to know if the purchase may be available on a state or cooperative contract, please contact a buyer to find a list of contracts.

Requesting SSC/Project Work

To request a project through SSC, please contact the University Project Office. To submit a work order, please navigate to Facilities Management.


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