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Spot Purchases

Procurement Services has delegated the authority to departments to make purchases of goods and services less than $15,000 (including freight and/or postage). The exceptions include furniture, major computer related items, controlled equipment and services, all of which would require a department requisition submitted to the Procurement Services for processing.  Procurement Services may allow these exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

All employees making purchases under this delegated purchasing authority shall adhere to the Texas A&M University System Ethics Policy and adopt the NAEP Code of Ethics endorsed by A&M-Commerce.

Purchases within these dollar limits require proper documentation in Mane Market or as provided in the University Guidelines for procurement card purchases.

Purchases may not be broken down into smaller purchases in order to meet the authorized limit of authority.

Departments shall identify and utilize, whenever possible, a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) for the purchase of goods and services.

Departments shall purchase goods and services, whenever possible, from persons with disabilities, the Texas Industries for the Blind and Handicapped (TIBH) or the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). Departments shall comply with State of Texas set-aside from the aforementioned institutions. The Purchasing Department will assist in identifying State set-asides from TIBH or TDCJ contracts.