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Resource Links

Legal Resources

The following links may prove helpful for basic research. These links include federal, local and state agency websites in addition to consumer-based websites. The listings that follow are provided as a starting point for research. The fact that they are linked to our website does not signify an endorsement of any kind.

Denton Websites

Consumer Websites

General Information

Cellular/Wireless Telephone Service

Landlord/Tenant Information

Texas Government Resources

Information on this site is provided for general informational purposes and does NOT constitute legal advice. Students should seek verification and clarification of all statements made on this website through our office. Slight variations in facts and circumstances may make an enormous difference in the legal advice that a particular attorney will render. Students who are confronted with legal problems or who desire specific advice, should make an appointment with an attorney at Student Legal Services or seek the assistance of another licensed attorney.

By maintaining this website, A&M- Commerce Student Legal Services is not forming any attorney-client relationships. All information contained on this site pertains to Texas law, and should not be relied upon as law in any other state. We cannot guarantee that the information on this site is up to date and accurate, as the laws affecting Texans are in constant transition.

This website contains links to other resources on the Internet. The links are provided as aids to help our students identify and locate internet resources that may be of interest, and are not intended to imply that we sponsor or are affiliated or otherwise associated with the creators of said sites. A&M-Commerce Student Legal Services is not responsible for the content or validity of information found on any websites herein linked. You further acknowledge that nothing in this website is intended to nor constitutes the practice of law or giving of legal advice.