Room Utilization
Section number: Section number 01W is used for internet-based courses. Room utilization is important for the fall semester; for a course which meets face to face with the instructor and uses the internet to supplement: Do not use the 01W indicator.
On campus rooms - Will be assigned by the department. Departments are asked to stay within the Coordinating Board’s Utilization standards: 38 weekly hours of use for classrooms and 25 weekly hours of use for class labs Rooms should be utilized to their full capacity. If a room holds 50 students, you should not schedule a class of 10/15. If it is determined that a classroom is not being fully utilized, classes will be moved and departments notified.
Off-campus rooms - Make arrangements for buildings/rooms, at off-campus locations, and enter them on the schedule forms before sending to the dean’s office. TBA may be entered for day/time, but the location must always be present.
To schedule classes at
Dallas site, contact Molly DePue
Mesquite Metroplex Center, Russell Blanchett
Navarro Partnership-Corsicana, Virginia Monk
Off-campus classes must have the building/rooms designated because the web is programmed by location.
The schedule should be developed within the limits of funds allocated to you by the Provost’s Office. Please plan for optimal delivery of courses to meet student needs. When using an off-campus site, please assure that the rental fee for the space is within budget allocations and that projected enrollments are sufficient to cover expenses.