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Assistive Technology Lab Scavenger Hunt

Use the clues and resources posted around the lab to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the 13 disability categories covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?
  2. Explore the lab and the IRIS Module on AT (QR Code Scan) to answer the following questions:
    1. What is an AT device/service?
    2. How can IEP teams ensure they are considering AT needs/addressing AT on the IEP (Use the Incorporating AT Into the IEP QR Code Scan)?
    3. What is the difference between no tech, low tech, and high tech AT?
  3. Refer to the AT Timeline and identify milestones in the development of AT for individuals with various needs.
  4. What are the major provisions of the Assistive Technology Act?
  5. Compare and contrast Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and AT.
  6. What skills can the Teach Town and Boardmaker programs be used for?
  7. Find the Kidspiration software at the Academics station.  What can this be used for?
  8. Locate the ONYX, SARA CE, RUBY, and talking calculator. What are the features of these machines? What would advantages and disadvantages of each?
  9. Use clues in the Tips to make Print More Readable QR Code Scan to identify the stations displaying color contrast schemes recommended for individuals with visual impairments.
  10. Using any iPad in the lab:
    1. Open Safari and navigate to Browse the library of audio books.  Who could benefit from this resource?
    2. Access the iPad app ‘Learning Ally Audio’ and open a title.
  11. Explore the Daily Living Station/QR Code for Household Products by MaxiAids and find one adaption that you had not previously thought about and describe how it can be useful.
  12. With a partner, participate in the simulations at each station and write a reflection about your experience with each.