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Reusing Announcements

Announcements are simple pages that can be pulled into a listbox as prominent links in the right column of your home page (or any other page for that matter). The most common question asked, "I'd like to re-use my announcements periodically... Do I have to delete and rebuild them every time?" Luckily, you do not, and here are the suggested steps for reusing announcements:

  1. Select the announcement you want to hide and UN-publish it (click the Publish tab, select Un-publish, Submit).
  2. Click the Edit tab and then the System sub-tab.
  3. UN-check the "Include when publishing" and "Include when indexing" boxes and Submit.
  4. Publish your site folder.
When you're ready to reactivate your hidden announcement:
  1. Select the announcement.
  2. Click the Edit tab and then the System sub-tab.
  3. Check the "Include when publishing" and "Include when indexing" boxes and Submit.
  4. Publish your site folder.

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