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Hyperlinking image to email address

Have you ever wanted to link an image or text automatically to an email address? It is fairly easy to link an image or text to an email address. Let' learn!

Links that open a new email message to a specific address require the command mailto: before the email address in the address field of an external link.

Select the image or text and click the Insert/Edit link button.

Select the External radio button

Enter into the Link field, where is the full email address.

Do not put spaces between the mailto: command and the address.

To send an email to multiple addresses, separate addresses with a comma (no space).,

It is possible to add pre-populated fields to the email message. To pre-populate these fields, add ? after email address/es and use the following commands:

Subject=> Subject: Test

Please Note:

Fields are added with an ampersand (&):cc=john@doe&bcc=mary@sue&subject=Test

All of the above commands in Link > External field would look like this:,mary@sue?

When linking, always fill in the "Title" field. The text you enter into the - Title field shows up as the -tool tip text that appears over a link when a user hovers their mouse over it on a finished page. Not only can this information be extremely helpful when navigating our website, it's also a requirement to keep a webpage compliant to with ADA standards. To complete click the Insert button. Do not change the "Target," or "Class" boxes

Happy editing!

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