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Faculty/Staff Page Index

Faculty/Staff Page Index

A Faculty/Staff Page is a snapshot of a single faculty or staff member. It includes their name, title, position, basic contact information, Professional vita, and a photo. All of this information is optional to add and the user can add as much or little as they want for each faculty or staff member. A Faculty/Staff Page Index is a collection of Faculty/Staff Pages that are all displayed on a single page (The Index). This tool is useful for creating a listing of faculty or staff members for a department page. Below is an example of each type of asset:

Faculty Staff page

Creating a Faculty/Staff Page

Creating a New Folder

If you intend to include photos in your Faculty/Staff page, it is a good idea to create a directory in Cascade to house these photos first. To do this,

  • First navigate to the folder you’d like to build your Faculty/Staff pages in.
  • Then, click on “New > Empty Folder”. Name your folder for example  “faculty_staff_photos”, or “images”. 

Empty Folder

  • Enter a Display Name which appears in breadcrumbs
  • May duplicate Display Name in Title
  • Select Yes or No to include the Folder in Left Navigation
  • Check Publish and Index
  • Select the Submit button

New Folder

Creating New Faculty/Staff Page

Now it’s time to create your Faculty/Staff page! Select “New > FacultyStaff > Faculty Staff”

Faculty Staff Page

You will now be presented with a form where you can insert all the information for your particular Faculty or Staff member. 

1.Enter the System Name (this will be the actual name of the page/faculty or staff member) ex.  JonesDan

  • Naming conventions for System Name
    • Do not use spaces
    • Underscores are acceptable
    • Recommend capitalizing first letter of each word. Ex. MyPage
  • Enter the Display Name (this is the name of the page which will appear in menus). It is best to keep this short. Spaces are fine.
    • Suggest using system name but add spaces ex. Dan Jones
  • For the Title field is faculty or staff’s role within the university. For example, Dan Jones title is President.
  • Leave Include in Left Navigation and Hide from Search Engines? unchecked
New Page

The next section will be a form to insert faculty or staff information as shown below. Field names in bold and yellow star are mandatory fields.

  1. Enter Prefix
  2. Enter faculty or staff’s First Name
  3. Enter faculty or staff’s Last Name
  4. Prefix is added for professional or academic qualification.
  5. Job Title that describes the position held by the faculty or staff.
  6. Each faculty or staff member must have a Telephone contact number.
  7. Enter Fax number
  8. Provide E-mail Address
  9. Enter Office Location faculty or staff member may be located. Note, this field is optional.

Faculty Staff Page

Adding an image/photo

  • To add a image/photo to the profile, click on the “Search” icon next to the “image” label or the paper with the magnify glass. Click on “browse” to navigate to the image stored and select it. 

Adding Image

  • Go to your faculty_staff_photo folder or Image folder to upload your picture. If you have not uploaded the photo yet, see instructions on Upload and Editing a New Image.

Uploading image

  • The next section you will notice a large text field at the bottom of the form. This is for entering any additional information not provided by the previous fields. This space can also be used for Faculty/Staff “bio”, etc.

Text Field

Vita and other options

For more information about the text field see ‘Basic Cascade’.

In addition to uploading a photo of faculty or staff member, you can upload a Professional Vita in either PDF format or web page format. A link to a faculty Website can also be listed. When you are done, click “Submit”and you should now see a preview of the profile you created that looks something like the image below.

Faculty Staff page

After you have reviewed your page, don’t forget to publish.

Creating a Faculty/Staff Page Index

Once you’ve created multiple Faculty/Staff Pages, you can now create a Faculty/Staff Page Index.

To do this, highlight the main folder FaultyStaff, select “New > FacultyStaff > FacultyStaffIndexPage” (See below)

Faculty Staff index page

You’ll notice that the FacultyStaffIndexPage asset allows you to add all of the same content a typical “Page” would, except that there is no option for a sidebar item. This is because the Faculty/Staff pages indexed here is stretch across the entire width of the page leaving no room for a sidebar. All other options are the same. Once you’ve finished editing this page to your satisfaction, click “Submit”. This page should automatically create a listing any Faculty/Staff Pages in the same directory.

Begin by entering Display Name  and Title that will diplay on the page. For example, we used “Faculty & Staff”. 

Inline metadata

Now let’s preview your Faculty/Staff Index Page that should include your page title, your text content (if you added any) and a listing of all Faculty/Staff pages (profiles) within that folder. It should look something as shown below:

Faculty staff index page review

In the above page preview, we can see our Faculty/Staff Pages indexed into a list. We can see the folder structure to the left which contains our “default” page (The Faculty/Staff Index Page), as well as all of our Faculty/Staff Pages (profiles). These are the pages you’re seeing listed in your index! Publish your Index Page (in this case, “default”), and you’re good to go!

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