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Graduation Cords

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi

Phi Kappa Phi is the oldest and most prestigious general honor society in the United States. More than 30,000 students are inducted each year from over 300 colleges and universities across the nation. East Texas A&M University founded Chapter 322 in 2013 and holds regular induction ceremonies each year.

To join, students must be invited and approved by the chapter president. Membership can be earned through a multitude of avenues:

  • Juniors must have completed at least 72 credit hours, with at least 24 semester hours at their current institution, and rank in the top 7.5 percent of their class.
  • Seniors must have completed at least 90 credit hours, with at least 24 semester hours at their current institution, and rank in the top 10 percent of their class.
  • Graduate students must have completed at least 18 graduate hours or the equivalent at their institution and rank in the top 10 percent of their class.
  • Faculty, professional staff and alumni who achieve scholarly distinction may also be eligible.

Invitations for Phi Kappa Phi are distributed every Spring semester.