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General Information


From Dallas
Take Interstate 30 east towards Texarkana. Go through Greenville and take exit 101 (Hwy.50) to Commerce approximately 10 miles. Go through the first light when you get to Commerce and turn right on University Drive. (This is the entrance to the University).

From Denton
Take Hwy. 380 to Greenville. From the 380 and Hwy. 69 junction, go right on Hwy. 69 to Interstate 30 approximately 5-6 miles. Go over Interstate 30 and take I 30 east to Texarkana. Take exit 101 (Hwy. 50) to Commerce about 10 miles. Go through the first light when you get to Commerce and turn right on University Drive. (This is the entrance to the University).   Top

Office Hours

Monday- Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch time    Top

Lab Hours

Lab 101 & 102 -     Monday to Friday    - 9:00 a.m - 9:00 p.m


Lab Rules

  • Absolutely no commercial software is to be installed on any of the Computer Science (CS) Lab or general use machines, except by the Support Staff.
  • Each user will remove downloaded free/shareware software when they are done.
  • Tampering with current machine setups in the CS Lab is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
  • People doing homework for Computer Science courses will have priority over anyone else using the CS Lab machines.
  • No foreign hardware is to be used with the CS Lab machines or wall ports without the permission of the Support Staff. For off-hours use, arrangements must be made in advance.
  • No networked games are to be played on any of the CS Lab. Networked games are defined as any real-time, graphics-based game played by two or more persons on as many machine.
  • Users will clean up after themselves in the CS Lab..
  • There is no eating in any area of the Computer Science Lab. If you are caught eating/drinking in the CS Undergrad Lab:
    • On the first offense, you will be asked to leave the CS Lab for the remainder of the day.
    • On the second offense, your account will be disabled. You may not be able to work in CS labs for a period of time.
    • If food or beverages are brought into the CS Lab, they must be in a sealed, spill-proof container, out of sight, and away from the machines at all times!
  • Any action which violates local, state and/or federal laws or which violates Texas A&M University's Privacy Policy is strictly prohibited.
  • Smoking is NOT permitted inside the building.
  • Students are not allowed to move, change, or replace any computer peripheral.
  • Copying, softlifting, (stealing) of software is prohibited, and students caught will be reported to campus security.
  • Locking any machine for more than 15 minutes or leaving any machine that you are logged into unattended by you is not permitted! You may be logged off regardless of what you are working on. Top


Netiquette  is the etiquette of cyberspace.

  • Under United States law, it is unlawful "to use any telephone facsimile machine, computer, or other device to send an unsolicited advertisement" to any "equipment which has the capacity (A) to transcribe text or images (or both) from an electronic signal received over a regular telephone line onto paper." The law allows individuals to sue the sender of such illegal "junk mail" for $500 per copy. Most states will permit such actions to be filed in Small Claims Court. This activity is termed "spamming" on the Internet.
  • Never give your user ID or password to another person. System administrators that need to access your account for maintenance or to correct problems will have full privileges to your account.
  • Never assume your email messages are private nor that they can be read by only yourself or the recipient. Never send something that you would mind seeing on the evening news.
  • Keep paragraphs and messages short and to the point.
  • When quoting another person, edit out whatever isn't directly applicable to your reply. Don't let your mailing or Usenet software automatically quote the entire body of messages you are replying to when it's not necessary. Take the time to edit any quotations down to the minimum necessary to provide context for your reply. Nobody likes reading a long message in quotes for the third or fourth time, only to be followed by a one line response: "Yeah, me too."
  • Focus on one subject per message and always include a pertinent subject title for the message, that way the user can locate the message quickly.
  • Don't use the academic networks for commercial or proprietary work.
  • Include your signature at the bottom of Email messages when communicating with people who may not know you personally or broadcasting to a dynamic group of subscribers. Your signature footer should include your name, position, affiliation and Internet and/or BITNET addresses and should not exceed more than 4 lines. Optional information could include your address and phone number.
  • Capitalize words only to highlight an important point or to distinguish a title or heading. Capitalizing whole words that are not titles is generally termed as SHOUTING!
  • *Asterisks* surrounding a word can be used to make a stronger point.
  • Use the underscore symbol before and after the title of a book, i.e. _The Wizard of Oz_
  • Limit line length to approximately 65-70 characters and avoid control characters.
  • Never send chain letters through the Internet. Sending them can cause the loss of your Internet Access.
  • Because of the International nature of the Internet and the fact that most of the world uses the following format for listing dates, i.e. MM DD YY, please be considerate and avoid misinterpretation of dates by listing dates including the spelled out month: Example: 24 JUN 96 or JUN 24 96
  • Follow chain of command procedures for corresponding with superiors. For example, don't send a complaint via Email directly to the "top" just because you can.
  • Be professional and careful what you say about others. Email is easily forwarded.
  • Cite all quotes, references and sources and respect copyright and license agreements.
  • It is considered extremely rude to forward personal email to mailing lists or Usenet without the original author's permission.
  • Attaching return receipts to a message may be considered an invasion of privacy.
  • Be careful when using sarcasm and humor. Without face to face communications your joke may be viewed as criticism. When being humorous, use emoticons to express humor. (tilt your head to the left to see the emoticon smile)
    :-) = happy face for humor
  • Acronyms can be used to abbreviate when possible, however messages that are filled with acronyms can be confusing and annoying to the reader.
    Examples: IMHO= in my humble/honest opinion
    FYI = for your information
    BTW = by the way
    Flame = antagonistic criticism  Top  

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is vital to our long-term relationship with you, and protecting your privacy is just one part of our mission to provide you with highly personalized and valuable service. In addition, in an effort to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), we will not knowingly collect personally identifying information from children under the age of 13.

If you send us an electronic mail message with a question or comment that contains personally identifying information, or fill out a form that e-mails us this information, we will only use the personally-identifiable information to respond to your request and analyze trends. We may redirect your message to another government agency or person who is in a better position to answer your question. If you fill out or print a form state law requires that:
"With few exceptions, you have the right to request, receive, review and correct information about yourself collected by this form."

For site management functions, information is collected for analysis and statistical purposes. This information is not reported or used in any manner that would reveal personally identifiable information, and will not be released to any outside parties unless legally required to do so in connection with law enforcement investigations or other legal proceedings.

We use Log analysis tools to create summary statistics, which are used for purposes such as assessing what information is of most interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas. The following information is collected for this analysis:

User Client hostname - The hostname (or IP address if DNS is disabled) of the user/client requesting access.
HTTP header, "user-agent" - The user-agent information includes the type of browser, its version, and the operating system it's running on.
HTTP header, "referrer" - The referrer specifies the page from which the client accessed the current page.
System date - The date and time of the user/client request.
Full request - The exact request the user/client made.
Status - The status code the server returned to the user/client.
Content length - The content length, in bytes, of the document sent to the user/client.
Method - The request method used.
Universal Resource Identifier (URI) - The location of a resource on the server.
Query string of the URI - Anything after the question mark in a URI.
Protocol - The transport protocol and version used.  Top


Copiers are available in BA Building Third floor, and Library First and Second Floor. You can buy and charge a copy card from library. Top


Printers are available in Computer Science Lab 101,102 and 103, Business PC lab and Library. You should have a print card to print. You can buy a print/copy card from library. You can charge your print card at library.  Top


Students, Teaching Graduate Assistants and Teaching Assistants, Full Time Faculty / Staff, part time employees who are not students, retired faculty / staff, faculty members on modified retirement, adjunct professors, and contractual employees ,all, must have an A&M-Commerce parking permit.  You may go to the University Police Department and obtain a parking permit.  Top

Technology Services

Computing, Telecommunications, and Information Services (Technology Services), located in room 156 of the Business Administration Building,  is the centralization of automated data processing, academic computing, academic research, telecommunications, computer hardware, and application support. Technology Services is responsible for the integrity, security, and reliability of all academic and administrative information that supports and enhances the A&M-Commerce campus. 

Technology Services is staffed to provide systems analysis, programming, data preparation and computer processing for all divisions. Telecommunications performs installation and maintenance of copper and fiber-optic cable plants that provide voice, video and data service to the core campus and the dormitories.  Technology Services provides a one-stop shop for supporting PC and Macintosh hardware, software and Internet Applications. 

For more information, visit Technology Services

Job Posting

The duties of a graduate assistant: Graduate Assistants work 20 hours/week in the computer labs. They assist other students (graduate and undergraduate) and maintain the laboratory computers. Occasionally, a G.A. will be assigned to a particular course and asked to attend the lectures in that course. This better prepares the G.A. to help students in that particular course. Each G.A. must be proficient in such subjects as C++ programming, Assembly Language, COBOL programming, and Data Structures. G.A.'s typically help students who are taking CSCI 151, 152, 241, 320, 322, and CSCI 515, 520, 525, 526.

If interested, please fill out an application and drop it at the computer science office.  

To download application document  here

Off-Campus Employment (CPT/OPT/Intern): For IT-related jobs in Health care Sector click here


Useful Phone #

Admissions (Undergraduate)


Admissions (Graduate)


College of Arts &Sciences


Graduate School


Registrars Office


Student Housing
