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Scholarship Opportunity for new Graduate Students in CS for Spring 2020 and Fall 2020

The Scholarships Offered at the Computer Science Department:

The Computer Science department offers a significant number of $1000 scholarships for new graduate students who start their first semesters at the Texas A & M University-Commerce. We are currently accepting applications for the Spring 2020 semester for students starting in the Spring 2020 semester.  An international or out-of-state student receiving a $1000 competitive scholarship may qualify for in-state tuition. Newly admitted students should check their e-mails (given by the Texas A & M University-Commerce) regularly for an announcement of this scholarship. They can also follow the scholarship link from their myLEO accounts to apply.

To apply for this scholarship for Spring 2020, please visit the following link and sign on [Click Here]

To apply for Fall 2020 Scholarship, Please visit the following link and sign on [Click Here] 

The application deadline for Spring 2020 will be Saturday, January. 11, 2020, 11:59pm, and the CS Scholarship Committee will process all applications as fast as possible after this deadline.

The application deadline for Fall 2020 will be Saturday, February. 1, 2020, 11:59pm, and the CS Scholarship Committee will process all applications as fast as possible after this deadline.

Additionally, there are other scholarships available to current students through a number of endowments. The applications for these scholarships are accepted in the Fall semester. 

CS Scholarship Committee
Dr. Abdullah Arslan and Dr. Dongeun Lee

1. Abdullah N. Arslan, PhD
Computer Science and Information Systems
Texas A & M University-Commerce
Commerce, Texas 75428
Ph: +1 903 468 3097

2. Dongeun Lee, PhD 
Computer Science and Information Systems
Texas A & M University-Commerce
Commerce, Texas 75428