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Announcement on Comprehensive exam for Graduate students for Fall 2014


Fall 2014 MS CSCI and CPSI Comprehensive exams will concurrently take place on Thursday October 30th 1:30pm - 3:00pm, in Room JOUR 129.

Students should arrive at least half an hour before exam.

Only eligible students may take the Comprehensive exam.

SIGN UP: Students have to email their program coordinator (Dr. Jinoh Kim,, for MS CSCI;  Dr. Unal "Zak" Sakoglu,, for MS CPSI) and cc Ms. Vicki Anderson by October 29th in order to sign up for the exam; thestudents should indicate in the email:
1. Your Lastname, Firstname, CWID
2. Your program, i.e. whether you are signing up for CSCI Comp Exam or CPSI Comp Exam,
3. Number of times you have attempted/taken the comprehensive exam before this exam.
4. Whether you are graduating this semester.
5. Put "Fall 2014 Comprehensive Exam Signup" in the subject line of the email.

There will be two questions per each core subject.

MS CSCI: You have to pick 4 core subjects (drop one core subject) and pick 1 question from each of the picked 4 core subjects, and in addition, pick and answer any two of the remaining questions from those picked 4 core subjects. So, answer total of 6 questions.

MS CPSI: You have to pick and answer one question from each of the 4 core subjects, and in addition two more questions of their choice. So, answer total of 6 questions.

Do attempt only 6 questions! If you attempt more than 6 questions, only 6 of your answers will be counted towards your total score and the rest of your question/answer(s) with the highest point(s) will be dropped. So, clearly mark your incorrect attempt with a big "X" mark on the whole page, if you attempt more than 6 questions.

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