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Physics & Astronomy REU

We are accepting applications of a REU Summer Intern Program for Summer 2025.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): NSF-funded research training opportunity for Community & Liberal Arts College Students 

June 1 - August 8, 2025
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Mar 16 Sunday 2025 (extended), continues until filled. The program is subject to funding.

US citizon or Permanent resident
Students from 2 or 3 year community college, and 4-year college/university which does not have graduate programs in student's major department.

A unique and rewarding research training opportunity, specifically created for community & Liberal Arts college students who are interested in physics and astronomy, is being offered during the summer at East Texas A&M University in Commerce, Texas.

Six students from Community & Liberal Arts colleges will be selected to participate in a summer program. It will provide each student with a refreshing research experience lasting ten weeks. Each selected participant will work directly under a faculty mentor on a collaborative research project that matches the specific interests of the participant.

Acceptance into the program an award provides the student with a $7000 stipend, housing, and travel support to and from Commerce, Texas, as well as an observing run at McDonald Observatory. Participants will also have access to recreational facilities on the A&M-Commerce campus. During the 10-week period, participants will attend several social events and field trips to research and industrial institutions in North and East Texas. At the end of the program, each participant will write a progress report and make a symposium presentation.