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Media Performance

Core Courses (12 sh)

JOUR 1307 - Mass Communication in Society
A discursive study of mass media organizations, how they operate and exert their influence on individuals and society, enabling students to become knowledgeable and self critical consumers of mass media content. The emphasis will be on those media engaged in news and public affairs reporting and commentary, especially the press and television.

JOUR 336 - Media Law
A study of the First Amendment and the significant legal decisions affecting print, broadcast, and interactive media. Particular attention is focused on Supreme Court decisions. Prerequisite Junior standing or permission of instructor.

JOUR 445 - Ethics in the Media
This is a course about ethical issues raised by contemporary mass media practices, especially those related to news, advertising, and public relations. Students will learn to recognize and analyze problem situations in terms of a framework of ethical principles in a societal context shaped by the libertarian traditions of Enlightenment thought. Communitarian challenges to those traditions will be studied and their impact on media ethics and practices explored. Prerequisite Junior or senior standing.

RTV 420 - Interactive Media
The course explores the Internet, particularly the World Wide Web, as it is used in mass communications, in particular by television and radio news operations. Students will develop a greater appreciation for the history and implications of computer-mediated communication, explore cultural, social and economic issues of interactive media, and learn basic practical skills in various tools of interactive media production. Prerequisite RTV 322.

Media performance sequence (34 sh)

RTV 215 - Radio-TV Announcing
A study of the principles of radio-TV speaking, including the preparation of commercials, news, and program continuity. An introduction to theory and practices in the broadcasting industry from the studio and production point of view. Corequisite : RTV 1335

RTV 221 - Radio Production
Lectures and laboratory experience in audio production equipment, methods, and techniques. Emphasis is placed on radio programming and production. Attention is given to radio formats, new technology, production skills and program management.

RTV 320 - Radio and Television Writing
A study of the techniques, style, and format of script preparation for the radio and television media. Scripts include commercial, news documentary, and dramatic programs.

RTV 322 - Video Shooting and Editing
This course teaches the technical skills and creative principles required for single camera (‘film style’) video field shooting and post production using Final Cut Studio®. Topics include audio, video recording technology, composition, lighting, continuity, and editing. Experience planning, shooting and editing entertainment- and/or information-based video projects will be provided through hands-on exercises, projects and assignments.

RTV 332 - Multicamera TV Production
Lectures and laboratory experiences in control room and studio procedures for television broadcasting. Provides the students with an opportunity for learning pre-production, production and post-production of television programs using field shooting for pre-production and multi-camera production techniques of a TV studio. Experiences provided include operation of cameras, control panels, lights, and audio in directing and producing nondramatic programs such as news, commercials, and interviews. Attention is given to the television performance as well as to production techniques Prerequisite RTV 322

RTV 480 - Electronic Media Portfolio
RTV students will gather work from their various RTV courses into a portfolio (traditional and/or digtial) that can be used in seeking work after graduation. Students will be urged to maintain their work in the courses preceding the Portfolio class. Guests from the electronic-communications industry will visit the class on a regular basis, to provide students with advice in preparing for their careers Prerequisite At least 36 hours in RTV courses

RTV 480 - Electronic Media Portfolio
RTV students will gather work from their various RTV courses into a portfolio (traditional and/or digtial) that can be used in seeking work after graduation. Students will be urged to maintain their work in the courses preceding the Portfolio class. Guests from the electronic-communications industry will visit the class on a regular basis, to provide students with advice in preparing for their careers Prerequisite At least 36 hours in RTV courses

RTV 497 - Special Topics
Organized class.

THE 211 - Oral Interpretation
Analysis of theme, mood, imagery, and style in order to interpret prose and poetry. Practice in planning and presenting these materials is included.

THE 213 - Fundamentals of Acting
Basic acting techniques of characterization, role analysis,stage movement, voice and body control.

RTV 1335 - Introduction to Broadcasting
A survey course to provide an understanding of the origin, operation, organization and history of broadcasting in the United States.

RTV 326 - Electro Media Sales/Operations
An examination of the total sales function of commercial radio and television stations. Rate cards, audience ratings, and basic commercial practices will be examined and used.

RTV 380 - Sports Broadcasting
Students will learn the basic aspects of live play-by-play broadcasting; color commentary; and sports reporting, anchoring and producing for radio, TV and online communications. Emphasis will be on practical experience in helping to produce sports programming for KETR, student radio KKOM and student television KETV.

RTV 440 - News Practices
Lectures and laboratory experience in creating and producing video news content. The basic rules of broadcast news writing will be covered and television-style stories will be will be written and produced. Radio and Internet news production will also be covered. Studio and newsroom procedures will be examined. Students will shoot and edit TV news stories and participate in producing a TV newscast. Prerequisite RTV 320, 320, and 420.

RTV 451 - Broadcasting Seminar
A course designed to acquaint the student with current problems, issues, and practices in the area of commercial broadcasting.

RTV 453 - Social Media
This theory-based course will examine concepts of communication, social interaction and community in a digital world. The course will include such interactive media applications as chat, blog, wiki, avatar, comment, Twitter®, Flikr®, Facebook®, MySpace®, Second Life®, podcast and similar Internet sites and techniques of digital media communication. Students are expected to use social media practices to create multimedia learning journals, and small groups will use social media to produce and present projects

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