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Background Courses

These 6 prerequisite courses can be waived for students with appropriate undergraduate coursework. It is suggested also to take required prerequisite courses in the following order:
Course Number Description
ECO 502 Quantitative Analysis for Managers
MGT 501 Operations and Organizations
ACCT 501 Accounting for Managers
MKT 501 Marketing Environment
ECO 501 Economics for Decision Makers
FIN 501 Finance for Decision Makers
(Click here for 501 Schedule)

Managerial Component - 21 Hours

Course Number Description
ACCT 525 Advanced Managerial Accounting
BUSA 511 Business Analytics for Managers
ECO 562* Managerial Economics
ECO 576* Macroeconomics for Managers
FIN 504 Financial Management
MKT 521 Marketing Management
MGT 527
Strategic Management
(Last Semester)
MGT 585 Management & Organizational Behavior
*You must take at least one starred course. Students are required to take either Eco 562 or Eco 576.

Information Analysis Component - 6 Hours

Course Number Description
ECO 578 Statistical Methods
ECO 595 Applied Business Research
(First Semester)

Elective Component - 3 Hours

Plus additional hours of advanced course work in any business field(s). Click here to view the eligible business courses.