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Dr. Robert Green

Thursday, September 8, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.

Rayburn Student Center - Conference Rooms A&B (2nd Floor)

Sam Rayburn Speaker Series

Dr. Robert L. Green, a friend and colleague of Martin Luther King, Jr., served as education director for Dr. King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference during a crucial period in Civil Rights history, and he continues to fight for social justice and educational fairness today as a consultant for many of the nation's largest school districts.

Dr. Green will sign copies of his latest book, At the Crossroads of Fear and Freedom, for students. Books are free for students. Special thanks to the Office of the President, Dr. Ray Keck, Dr. LaVelle Hendricks, Mr. Noah Nelson, the College of Education & Human Services, and Dr. Tim Letzring.

Event sponsored by:

  • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
  • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
  • Department of Psychology, Counseling, & Special Education
  • Office of Institutional Diversity & Inclusion

For more information, please contact:

  • Caleb Farris (713.320.1568)
  • Robyn Carr (917.337.2019)
  • Cheri Cooper (903.468.3002)

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