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Writing Center
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Biological and Environmental Science
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Marketing and Business Analytics
Management and Economics
Innovation & Design
Division of Student Affairs
Student Disability Services
Student Organizations
Student Disability Services
Student Legal Services
Academic Calendars
Graduation Ceremony
Student Accounts (Bursar)
Leadership & Institutional Advancement
Office of the President
Philanthropy and Engagement
Finance and Administration
University Ethics & Compliance
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Internal Resources Home
Policies, Procedures, Standards and Statements
Rules & Procedures
01 Governance
01.01.01.R0.02 Development and Maintenance of University Rules and Procedures -
02 Organization of System
02.05.99.R0.01 Assumption of Presidential Responsibility -
03 Statements of Mission and Objectives
03.01.99.R0.02 Strategic Planning
03.01.99.R0.03 Institutional Effectiveness
03.02.99.R0.01 Academic Approval Procedure for Programs
03.02.99.R0.03 Programmatic and Administrative Substantive Changes Approval Process
03.02.99.R0.04 Academic Approval Procedures for Courses
07 Ethics
07.02.99.R0.01 Texas Higher Education Fair Lending Practices -
07.03.01.R1 Political Campaign Events in University Facilities
08 Civil Rights Protections and Compliance
08.01.01.R2 Civil Rights Compliance
08.01.01.R2.01 Civil Rights Process for Employee and Third Party
08.01.01.R2.02 Civil Rights Process for Students
08.01.02.R0.01 Service and Emotional Support Animals on Campus -
08.01.02.R0.02 Student Pregnancy and Parenting Support -
08.99.99.R1 Expressive Activity on Campus -
08.99.99.R1.01 Invited speakers -
09 Litigation and Administration
09.02.01.R1 Official Messaging
09.02.99.R0.01 Licensing and Use of University Names, Logos, and Trademarks
09.04.01.R0.01 Litigation
11 Centers, Degrees and Programs
11.02.99.R0.01 Centers and Institutes
11.03.99.R0.01 Course Credit and Length Requirements
11.07.99.R1 Conferring of Honorary Degrees
11.08.99.R1 Awarding of Posthumous Degrees -
11.99.02.R0.01 Conduct Notation for Transcripts
11.99.99.R0.01 Standards and Criteria for Off-Campus and Self-Supporitng Courses and Programs
11.99.99.R0.04 Academic Program Review
11.99.99.R0.05 Articulation Agreements
11.04.99.R0.01 Undergraduate Admissions
11.04.99.R0.02 Basic Skills Requirements
11.04.99.R0.09 Undergraduate Non-Traditional Education -
11.06.99.R0.01 Core Curriculum Program -
11.04.99.R0.11 Admission to Graduate School
11.99.99.R0.06 Master's and Specialist Thesis and Advisory Committee -
11.99.99.R0.07 Cross-Listing Graduate Courses
11.99.99.R0.09 Course Requirements for the Master's and Specialist Degree -
11.99.99.R0.10 Course Requirements for the Doctoral Degree
11.99.99.R0.13 Examinations for Graduate Degrees -
11.99.99.R0.14 Graduate Certificates
11.99.99.R0.15 Time Limitations for Graduate Programs -
11.99.99.R0.16 Awarding Graduate Experiential Credit
11.99.99.R0.17 Residency Requirements for Graduate Programs -
11.99.99.R0.18 Graduate Level Courses by Independent Study
11.99.99.R0.19 Doctoral Dissertations and Committees
11.99.99.R0.20 Course Requirements for Additional Master's Degree
11.99.99.R0.22 Undergraduate Seniors Taking Graduate Courses for Credit
12 Faculty
12.01.99.R1 Academic Freedom and Responsibility
12.01.99.R0.05 Guidelines for Content and Distribution of Syllabi: Roles and Responsibilities of Faculty
12.02.99.R0.01 Convert Non-Tenure Track Appointment to Tenure-Track Appointment
12.02.99.R0.02 Transfer of Tenure and Ranks between Academic Departments
12.02.99.R0.03 Implementing Faculty Tenure and Promotion
12.03.99.R1 Faculty Workload
12.04.99.R0.01 Constitution of the Faculty Senate
12.04.99.R0.03 The Graduate Council
12.06.99.R0.02 Post-Tenure Review for Faculty
12.07.99.R0.01 Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty
12.99.01.R0.01 Faculty Development Leave
12.99.99.R0.03 Faculty Awards System
12.99.99.R0.07 Assistant/Associate Dean Internal Search and Appointment
12.99.99.R0.08 Academic Department Head and Program Coordinator Appointment and Responsibilities
12.99.99.R0.09 Ad Interim (Exceptional Hire) Faculty Appointments
12.99.99.R0.10 Adjunct Faculty Appointments
12.99.99.R0.11 Annual Evaluation of Adjunct Faculty and Graduate Assistants with Teaching Responsibilities
12.99.99.R0.12 Graduate Faculty Membership
12.99.99.R0.13 Annual Evaluation of Faculty
12.99.99.R0.14 Academic Administrator Evaluation
12.99.99.R0.15 Affiliated Faculty
13 Students
13.99.99.R0.02 Confidentiality of Student Academic Records and Test Scores
13.99.99.R0.05 Student Appeal of Instructor Evaluation
13.99.99.R0.06 Computation of Grade Point Averages
13.99.99.R0.07 Grade Changes
13.99.99.R0.13 Good Academic Standing
13.99.99.R0.23 Withdrawals
13.99.99.R0.40 Deregulated Tuition Set-Asides Disbursement
13.99.99.R0.42 Students with Disabilities
13.99.99.R0.43 Course Substitution Process for Students with Disabilities
13.99.99.R0.10 Graduate Student Academic Dishonesty
13.99.99.R0.37 Orientation and Advisement of Graduate Students
13.99.99.R0.38 Graduate Student Course Load
13.99.99.R0.39 Graduate Academic Probation, Retention and Suspension
13.99.99.R0.03 Undergraduate Academic Dishonesty
13.99.99.R0.14 Undergraduate Advisement/Degree Plans
13.99.99.R0.20 Academic Distinction for Undergraduate Students
13.99.99.R0.36 Undergraduate Student Course Load
13.99.99.R0.41 Undergraduate Academic Probation, Suspension, Appeal, and Readmission
Student Affairs
13.04.99.R1 Student Travel Rule
13.99.99.R0.24 Student Health Services
13.99.99.R0.26 Career Development
13.99.99.R0.43 Death of a Student
Student Organizations
13.99.99.R0.33 Regulations and Philosophy Governing Student Activities -
13.99.99.R0.34 Probationary Status of Recognized Student Organizations
13.99.99.R0.35 Student Organizations
15 Research Programs
15.01.01.R0.02 Facilities and Administrative Costs
15.01.01.R0.03 Internally Funded Research Grants
15.01.01.R0.05 Sponsored Research Incentive Programs
15.01.03.R1 Financial Conflicts of Interest in Sponsored Research
15.01.04.R0.01 Time and Effort Certification
15.01.99.R0.01 External Funding Requests
15.02.99.R1 Export Controls Program Management
15.99.01.R1 Human Subject Protection
15.99.03.R1 Ethics in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work
15.99.06.R1 Use of Biohazardous Material in Research, Teaching, and Testing
15.99.07.R1 Use of Vertebrate Animals
16 Compliance - General
16.01.01.R0.01 University Ethics and Compliance Program
16.01.02.R1 Education Records and Personally Identifiable information
17 Intellectual Property
17.01.99.R0.01 Intellectual Property
21 General Finance
21.01.02.R0.01 Credit Card Collections
21.01.02.R0.02 Credit Card Information Receipt, Custody, and Security Procedures
21.01.04.R0.01 Student Accounts Receivable
21.01.10.R0.01 Surplus or Salvage Property
21.01.99.R0.01 Payment for Survey and Research Participants
21.05.01.R0.01 Solicitation and Acceptance of Gifts for the University
21.05.01.R0.02 Gifts, Donations, Grants and Endowments
21.99.04.R1 Disposition of Abandoned and Unclaimed Personal Property
21.99.99.R1 Damage to University Property
24 Risk Management
24.01.01.R0.01 Bloodborne Pathogen and Hazard Communication Training Procedure
24.01.06.R1 Programs for Minors
25 Expenditure of Funds
25.06.01.R1 Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program
25.07.01.R0.02 President's Delegation of Authority for Contract Administration
25.07.03.R0.01 Acquisition of Goods and/or Services
25.07.99.R1 Contract Administration
25.99.09.R0.01 Communication Allowances
25.99.99.R0.02 On-Call Mileage Reimbursement
26 Tuition and Fees
26.01.01.R0.01 Student Fee Advisory Committee -
26.01.99.R0.01 Hazlewood Act Exemption Application Procedure
26.01.99.R0.02 Monitoring and Reporting for Competitive Scholarships for Certain Nonresident Students
26.01.99.R0.03 Waiver of Non-Resident Tuition and Fees for Graduate Assistants
26.99.99.R0.01 Tuition Rebate for Certain Undergraduates
26.99.99.R0.02 Non-Resident Tuition Exemption for Competitive Scholarships
29 Information Resources
29.01.04.R0.01 Accessibility Requirements for Electronic and Information Resources
29.01.99.R0.01 Campus Security Surveillance
29.99.99.R0.01 Email for University Communication
31 Compensation and Benefits
31.01.01.R0.02 Salary Upon Returning to Full-Time Teaching
31.01.01.R0.03 Approval Procedures for Supplemental Compensation and Dual Employment
31.01.07.R0.01 Direct Deposit of Payroll Payments
31.01.08.R1 Faculty Merit Salary Program
31.01.08.R2 Nonfaculty Merit Salary Program
31.01.09.R0.01 Overtime
31.02.13.R0.02 Wellness Release Time
31.03.03.R0.01 Birthday TIme Off
31.05.01.R1 Faculty Consulting and External Professional Employment
31.06.01.R0.01 Sick Leave Pool Administration -
31.08.01.R2 Emeritus Designation
31.99.01.R0.01 Faculty/Staff Course Enrollment
31.99.01.R0.02 Employee Scholarship Program
31.99.99.R0.02 Awarding of Diploma to a Family Member
31.99.99.R0.03 University Flag Lowering -
31.99.99.R0.04 Salary Adjustments for Completion of New Academic Degrees and Professional Certifications -
32 Employee Relation
32.01.01.R0.01 Grievance and Appeal Process for Faculty Members -
33 Employment Standards of Conduct
33.04.02.R0.01 Use of Telecommunication Services
33.05.02.R0.01 Employee Training
33.06.01.R0.01 Flexible Work Arrangements
33.06.01.R0.02 Alternate Work Location
33.99.01.R0.01 Employment Practices
33.99.01.R0.02 Ad Interim Positions
33.99.04.R0.01 Non-Faculty Promotion, Transfer & Voluntary Moves
33.99.05.R0.01 Staff (Non-Faculty) Teaching Assignment
33.99.08.R1.01 Student Employee Grievance and Appeal
33.99.08.R0.01 Student Employment
33.99.08.R0.03 Graduate Assistantships
33.99.14.R1 Criminal History Background Checks
33.99.99.R0.01 Office Hours
33.99.99.R0.02 Care for Children and Adults
34 Safety of Employees and Students
34.01.01.R0.01 Laboratory Decommissioning
34.02.01.R1 Drug Free Workplace and Campus
34.02.01.R1.01 Drug Free Workplace and Campus Procedure
34.02.01.R1.02 Drug and Alcohol Testing and Counseling Procedure -
34.03.99.R0.01 Alcoholic Beverages on University Property -
34.03.99.R0.02 Alcoholic Beverages at University-Sanctioned Tailgate Events
34.05.99.R1 Smoke, Vapor, and Tobacco Free Environment
34.06.02.R1 Carrying Concealed Handguns on Campus
34.99.99.R0.01 Weather-Related Closing of the University
41 Real Property
41.01.01.R0.01 Licensing of University Real Property
51 Facilities Planning and Construction
51.03.99.R0.01 Visual Art
51.06.99.R0.01 Naming of Buildings and Other Entities Procedure
51.99.99.R0.01 Assignment and Renovation of Spaces for Academic Purposes
61 Information and Communications
61.01.02.R0.02 Public Information -
61.99.01.R0.01 Retention of State Records
61.99.99.R0.01 University Information