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International Student & Scholar Services Events and Programs


Lion Cousins- Lion Cousins is a mentor program set up to help students learn about the different cultures represented on campus.  Lion Cousin participants are expected to attend two planned events every semester, as well as meet up with their "cousin" twice a month for lunch, dinner, or just to hang out! This is a great way to learn about the different cultures represented here at A&M-Commerce.  Sign up begins September 6 and you can email for more information or to sign-up. 

International Coffee Hour-Once a month the ISSS hosts a coffee hour.  Coffee hour provides an opportunity for international students and American students to learn about each other’s culture.  Some coffee hours are themed events (i.e. Halloween. Christmas) and some coffee hours are sponsored by an international student group or student organization.  You can email for more information.   

International Education Week-The U.S. Department of State sets aside the week before Thanksgiving as a week to celebrate international education around the world.  During the week the ISSS will host different events including a larger International Coffee Hour, language or cultural luncheon, international movie nights, and other events.  For more information or to get involved email


Global Cultural Festival-Each spring semester the ISSS in partnership with international students, international student organizations, TAMU-C faculty and staff, and community members, hosts the annual Global  Cultural Festival.  The festival is an opportunity for A&M-Commerce international students to share their culture with the university and surrounding communities.  Groups will set-up display tables to share their culture, food from their country, and there is also a talent and fashion show.  For more information or to volunteer email

International Advisory Committee- The purpose of the International Student Advisory Committee (ISAC) is to serve as a representative body for the international and American student population at A&M-Commerce.  The committee will provide a channel through which matters of general concerns of international students and suggestions related to current and potential programs, events, and services provided by the ISSS may be communicated to the Director of the ISSS.  The committee also will provide a channel for students to discuss opportunities and strategies to promote cultural awareness on the university campus.  For more information email