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Course Equivalencies

To see a suggested sequence for the requirements of each degree program view: Texas Common Course Numbering System

Transfer of Credits from Other Institutions

Two sequences of American/Texas Government are taught at Texas community colleges and universities. Texas Common Courses, GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306 transfer directly as course equivalents to PSci 220 and 221, respectively. Texas Common Courses, GOVT 2301 and 2302, are NOT direct course equivalents for PSci 220 and 221. However, GOVT 2301 and 2302 do transfer together as a complete sequence for PSci 220 and 221. Due to the differences in course content at Texas community colleges and universities, it is strongly recommended that students complete the required courses in American/Texas government at the same institution. Students seeking to combine courses from the two sequences should use caution and be aware that only the following alternative combinations of GOVT 2301 and PSci 220/GOVT 2305 or GOVT 2301 and PSci 221/GOVT 2306 fulfill the content requirement of the state of Texas. 

The equivalencies presented herein are accurate and complete at the time of publication. East Texas A&M University reserves the right to re-evaluate the transferability of specific courses offered by other institutions, and to amend University course and/or program offerings without prior notice. The evaluation of academic semester hours and course work is the responsibility of the Office of Transfer Admissions unless otherwise noted.

Courses taken at junior or community colleges cannot transfer as advanced hours (course numbers beginning with a 3 or 4 indicates advanced hours). The applicability of transferred credit toward a degree is subject to the preparation of an Advisement Guide within an academic department. Students must complete a minimum of sixty (60) semester hours from an upper division institution. While all credit hours presented on the sending institution's transcripts will be evaluated and equivalent college-level courses posted to the students academic record, amaximum of sixty-six (66) semester credit hours from a junior of community college may be applied towards degree requirements.

College preparatory course work in remedial math, reading and writing are not transferable and do not satisfy college-level requirements at A&M-Commerce.

When a course is repeated, only the last enrollment for that course will be used in computing the grade point average. The second grade will be used to determine credit earned for the course. A grade of "D" is transferable, but a minimum grade of "C" is required in all undergraduate courses in the academic major.

Courses that transfer but do not have exact equivalent numbers at A&M-Commerce are listed as generic credit. At the discretion of the major department, these courses may fulfill specific degree requirements. Core courses completed at other Texas public colleges and universities will satisfy core requirements at A&M-Commerce.

The transfer grade point average will be used to determine admissibility to the University and scholarship eligibility. Official cumulative grade point average is calculated only on courses taken at A&M-Commerce.