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Core Curriculum

For Initial Transfer Students:

East Texas A&M University

Core Curriculum

AY ’14-‘15

The Texas Core Curriculum requires students to complete thirty-six hours of coursework from a broad variety of disciplines across eight Foundational Component Areas.  Another six hours that meet requirements for any one of the Foundational Component Areas are also required, but institutions are allowed to select those six hours to meet institutional priorities and mission.  This six hour element of the Texas Core Curriculum is called the Component Area Option.

Foundational Component Areas (36 SH)

1.     (010) Communication (6 SH)

Students must complete two semesters of English composition.  Communication courses focus on developing ideas and expressing them clearly, considering the effect of the message, fostering understanding, and building the skills needed to communicate persuasively.  Courses in communication promote the Texas state Core Objectives of critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and personal responsibility.

ENG 1301 College Reading and Writing

ENG 1302 Written Argument and Research

2.     (020) Mathematics (3 SH)

Students must complete a minimum of one college level mathematics course.  Mathematics courses focus on quantitative literacy in logic, patterns and relationships.  Courses in mathematics promote the Texas state Core Objectives of critical thinking, communication, and empirical and quantitative skills.  Mathematics courses should be selected based upon completion of the appropriate prerequisites.  Math courses also are often very major-specific—in other words, one size does not fit all. All students should refer to the catalog and seek the advice of a success coach or professional advisor about the appropriate math selections for their major. 

MATH 142 Pre-Calculus

MATH 176 Mathematics for Business Applications II

MATH 179 Mathematics: Applications and Philosophy

MATH 192 Calculus II

MATH 1314 College Algebra

MATH 1324 Mathematics for Business Applications

MATH 2413 Calculus I

3.     (030) Life and Physical Science (6 SH)

Students must complete six hours of life and physical science.  Courses in this category focus on describing, explaining and predicting natural phenomena using the scientific method.  Courses in the life and physical sciences promote the Texas state Core Objectives of critical thinking, communication, empirical and quantitative skills, and teamwork. 

Four credit hour science courses are intended for students majoring in science, engineering or agriculture fields, as well as some within the College of Education and Human Services.  These students should complete TWO four credit hour (three-hour lecture and one-hour lab) science courses.   Selecting the wrong science courses can delay completion of key pre-requisites and graduation.

Three credit hour and one credit hour (labs) courses for the life and physical science component area are intended for students not majoring in science, engineering, or agriculture fields.   These courses are marked with an asterisks “*” below and are either designed specifically for non-science majors or open to non-science majors.  When the course is a lab, it is permissible for non-science majors to take the lab apart from the three-hour lecture.  Science majors must take both a lecture and a lab if choosing from this list of courses.  The same lecture and lab course may not be repeated (unless failed) in order to meet the 6 hour life and physical science core requirement.

All students should seek the advice of a success coach or professional advisor when choosing science courses to meet their core curriculum requirements.

Non-Science Major Life and   Physical Science Courses

ASTR 1304 Astronomy of Solar System*

ASTR 1104 Astronomy of Solar System Lab*

ASTR 1303 Introduction to Stars and the Universe*

ASTR 1103 Introduction to Stars and the Universe Lab*

ASTR 260  Archaeoastronomy*

BSC 1309 Human Biology: Structure and Function*

CHEM 1305 Survey of General Chemistry*

CHEM 1105 Survey of General Chemistry Lab*

CHEM 1307 Survey of Organic and Biochemistry*

CHEM 1107 Survey of Organic and Biochemistry   Lab*

ENVS 1301 Introduction to Environmental Science*

ENVS 103 Natural Disasters*

ESCI 1304 History of the Earth*

ESCI 1303 Physical Geology*

IS 1315 Integrated Science I*

IS 1317 Integrated Science II*

PHYS 131 Introduction to Musical Acoustics*

PLS 1307 Introduction to Plant Science*

PLS 1107 Introduction to Plant Science Lab*

PLS 1315 Introduction to Horticulture*

PLS 1115 Introduction to Horticulture Lab*

Science Majors Life and Physical   Science Courses

ASTR 1304 Astronomy of Solar System*

ASTR 1104 Astronomy of Solar System Lab*

ASTR 1303 Introduction to Stars and the Universe*

ASTR 1103 Introduction to Stars and the Universe Lab*

ASTR 260  Archaeoastronomy*

BSC 1406 Introductory Biology I

BSC 1407 Introductory Biology II

BSC 1411 Botany

BSC 1413 Zoology

BSC 2401 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

BSC 2402 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

CHEM 1305 Survey of General Chemistry*

CHEM 1105 Survey of General Chemistry Lab*

CHEM 1307 Survey of Organic and Biochemistry*

CHEM 1107 Survey of Organic and Biochemistry   Lab*

CHEM 1411 General and Quantitative Chemistry I

CHEM 1412 General and Quantitative Chemistry II

ENVS 1401 Introduction to Environmental Science

ENVS 104 Natural Disasters

ESCI 1404 History of the Earth

ESCI 1403 Physical Geology

PHYS 1401 College Physics I

PHYS 1402 College Physics II

PHYS 2425 University Physics I

PHYS 2426 University Physics II

PLS 1307 Introduction to Plant Science*

PLS 1107 Introduction to Plant Science Lab*

PLS 1315 Introduction to Horticulture*

PLS 1115 Introduction to Horticulture Lab*

4.     (040)  Literature, Philosophy, and Culture (3 SH)

Students must complete three hours of Literature, Philosophy, and Culture.  Courses in this category focus on how ideas, beliefs, and other aspects of human culture affect human experience.  Literature, Philosophy and Culture courses promote the Texas state Core Objectives of critical thinking, communication, social responsibility, and personal responsibility. 

ENG 200 Popular Culture and Literature

ENG 202 Multi-Ethnic American Literature

ENG 2326 Introduction to Literature

ENG 2331 Literature of the Western World

HIST 264 A Nation Divided: American History

HIST 265 A World Divided: Global History

JOUR 1307 Mass Communication in Society

PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 331 History of Philosophy I

PHIL 332 History of Philosophy II

PHIL 360 General Ethics

PHIL 362 Aesthetics

RTV 1335 Studies in Electronic Communications

SPC 201 Studies in Human Communication

SPA 131 Elementary Spanish I

SPA 132 Elementary Spanish II

SPA 231 Intermediate Spanish I

SPA 232 Intermediate Spanish II

5.     (050) Creative Arts (3 SH)

Students must complete three hours of coursework in Creative Arts.  Courses in this category focus on the appreciation and analysis of creative artifacts and works of the human imagination.  Creative Arts courses promote the Texas state Core Objectives of critical thinking, communication, social responsibility and teamwork.

ART 1301 Art, Technology and Civilization

ART 1303 History of Art I

ART 1304 History of Art II

ENG 432 History and Aesthetics of Film

ENG 434 Literature and Film

MUS 1310 Jazz: New Orleans to Jazz/Rock

MUS 1308 Introduction to World Music Literature

THE 1310: Introduction to the Theater

6.     (060) American History (6 SH)

State law mandates six hours of American history survey.  Courses in this category focus on the consideration of past events and ideas relative to the United States.  Courses in this category promote the Texas state Core Objectives of critical thinking, communication, social responsibility and personal responsibility.

HIST 1301 US History to 1877

HIST 1302 US History from 1865

7.     (070) Government/Political Science (6 SH)

State law mandates six hours of US and Texas government.  Courses in this category focus on consideration of the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the states, with special emphasis of that of Texas.  Courses in this category promote the Texas state Core Objectives of critical thinking, communication, social responsibility and personal responsibility. 

At A&M-Commerce, the two course sequence PSCI 2301/2302 meets this requirement.  Other two course sequences are offered elsewhere.  Mixing a course from other sequences into the PSCI 2301/2302 sequence can delay graduation

All students should seek the assistance of a success coach or professional advisor when choosing political science courses to meet their core curriculum requirements.

PSCI 2301 Principles of United States and Texas Government

PSCI 2302 United States and Texas Government: Institutions and   Policies

8.     (080)  Social and Behavioral Science (3 SH)

Students must complete three hours of coursework in Social and Behavioral Science.  Courses in this category focus on the application of empirical and scientific methods that contribute to the understanding of what makes us human.  Social and Behavioral Science courses promote the Texas state Core Objectives of critical thinking, communication, empirical and quantitative skills, and social responsibility.

AEC 219 Agricultural Economics

ANTH 2351 World Cultures: Perspectives from Anthropology

ECO 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics

ECO 2302 Principles of Microeconomics

ECO 233 The Economics of Personal Finance

HHPH 331 Nutrition

PHIL 2303 Logic

PSY 2301 Introduction to Psychology

PSY 2306 Psychology of Sexual Behavior

PSY 2315 Psychology of Adjustment

SOC 1301 Introduction to Sociology

SOC 1306 Social Problems

(090)  Component Area Option (6 SH)

At A&M-Commerce the Component Area Option consists of two elements.  First, all students must take one course in speech communication from the two listed below.  Second, all students must complete an additional three hours corresponding to requirements of their particular degree (Degree Pathway).  For instance, a student pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree must take an additional math or science course for his/her Component Area Option.

All students should seek the advice of a success coach or professional advisor when choosing political science courses to meet their core curriculum requirements.

1.      Speech Communication (3 SH)

SPC 1315 Fundamentals of Public Speaking

SPC 1321 Business and Professional Speaking

2.      Degree Pathway (3 SH): One additional course chosen from lists below depending upon degree type:

Students pursuing the Bachelor   of Arts (any field), Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of   Social Work, Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences, and Bachelor of General   Studies, CHOOSE ONE of the following:

AEC 219 Agricultural Economics

ANTH 2351 World Cultures: Perspectives from Anthropology

ECO 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics

ECO 2302 Principles of Microeconomics

ECO 233 The Economics of Personal Finance

HHPH 331 Nutrition

PHIL 2303 Logic

PSY 2301 Introduction to Psychology

PSY 2306 Psychology of Sexual Behavior

PSY 2315 Psychology of Adjustment

SOC 1301 Introduction to Sociology

SOC 1306 Social Problems

ENG 200 Popular Culture and Literature

ENG 202 Multi-Ethnic American Literature

ENG 2326 Introduction to Literature

ENG 2331 Literature of the Western World

HIST 264 A Nation Divided: American History

HIST 265 A World Divided: Global History

JOUR 1307 Mass Communication in Society

PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 331 History of Philosophy I

PHIL 332 History of Philosophy II

PHIL 360 General Ethics

PHIL 362 Aesthetics

RTV 1335 Studies in Electronic Communications

SPC 201 Studies in Human Communication

SPA 131 Elementary Spanish I

SPA 132 Elementary Spanish II

SPA 231 Intermediate Spanish I

SPA 232 Intermediate Spanish II

ART 1301 Art, Technology and Civilization

ART 1303 History of Art I

ART 1304 History of Art II

ENG 432 History and Aesthetics of Film

ENG 434 Literature and Film

MUS 1310 Jazz: New Orleans to Jazz/Rock

MUS 1308 Introduction to World Music Literature

THE 1310: Introduction to the Theater

Students pursuing the Bachelor   of Science (any field), Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Business Administration,   CHOOSE ONE of the following:

MATH 142 Pre-Calculus

MATH 176 Mathematics for Business Applications II

MATH 179 Mathematics: Applications and Philosophy

MATH 192 Calculus II°

MATH 1314 College Algebra

MATH 1324 Mathematics for Business Applications I

MATH 2413 Calculus I

ASTR 1304 Astronomy of Solar System*

ASTR 1104 Astronomy of Solar System Lab*

ASTR 1303 Introduction to Stars and the Universe*

ASTR 1103 Introduction to Stars and the Universe Lab*

ASTR 260  Archaeoastronomy

BSC 1406 Introductory Biology I

BSC 1407 Introductory Biology II

BSC 1309 Human Biology: Structure and Function

BSC 1411 Botany

BSC 1413 Zoology

BSC 2401 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

BSC 2402 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

CHEM 1305 Survey of General Chemistry*

CHEM 1105 Survey of General Chemistry Lab*

CHEM 1307 Survey of Organic and Biochemistry*

CHEM 1107 Survey of Organic and Biochemistry   Lab*

CHEM 1411 General and Quantitative Chemistry I

CHEM 1412 General and Quantitative Chemistry II

ENVS 1301 Introduction to Environmental Science*

ENVS 1401 Introduction to Environmental Science

ENVS 103 Natural Disasters*

ENVS 104 Natural Disasters

ESCI 1304 History of the Earth*

ESCI 1404 History of the Earth

ESCI 1303 Physical Geology*

ESCI 1403 Physical Geology

IS 1315 Integrated Science I

IS 1317 Integrated Science II

PHYS 1401 College Physics I

PHYS 1402 College Physics II

PHYS 131 Introduction to Musical Acoustics

PHYS 2425 University Physics I

PHYS 2426 University Physics II

PLS 1307 Introduction to Plant Science*

PLS 1107 Introduction to Plant Science Lab*

PLS 1315 Introduction to Horticulture*

PLS 1115 Introduction to Horticulture Lab*

* Indicates courses either designed specifically for non-science majors or open to non-science majors.  When the course is a lab, it is permissible for non-science majors to take the lab apart from the three-hour lecture.  Science majors must take both.

East Texas A&M University will honor core curriculum courses from other Texas public institutions and apply those toward completion of the A&M-Commerce core curriculum.  

Whether students are transferring or starting and finishing with A&M-Commerce, completion of the core curriculum is a graduation requirement.  Students should seek the help of their success coach or professional advisor in selecting appropriate courses to meet these requirements.

For information on the Texas Common Course Numbering System visit the website at:

or Initial Transfer Students: