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East Texas A&M University Recruiters are coming to a school near you.  Check out what schools we will be visiting in the upcoming weeks. If you do not see your school listed, please email the recruiter assigned to your area, listed below, to see when they will be visiting or contact our office at

Scroll down to learn more about the Admissions Recruiter responsible for your school and area. Please don't hesitate to contact your recruiter if you have a question or need assistance.

Andrew Baxley

Andrew Baxley

Name:  Andrew Baxley
College Major: Business Marketing
Hometown: Lawson, MO
Job Title: Admissions Recruiter
Direct Phone: 903-886-5288

Territory: All high schools in Collin, Cooke, Denton, and Grayson Counties.

Where are you from: I grew up in Lawson, Missouri. A small rural community about 60 miles northwest of Kansas City, Missouri. After graduating from college, I decided to move down to Texas!

Where did you go to College? I attended Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, Missouri

What did you Study and why that Major: I Studied Business Marketing. I had decided on business back in 8th grade because I wanted to someday become a CEO of a corporation. As I progressed through the major, Marketing really stood out to me. It was very interesting to me that what you purchase and how you act can be largely influenced by branding.

What are some of your favorite things about Commerce: Commerce is a great place to be if you are looking to grow as both a student and as a person. It is a small community that offers many of the amenities you would see in a larger city while always maintaining that small town charm. While it is easy to find yourself resting in the shades of the Bois-D’Arc Trees, the hustle and bustle of Dallas, Texas is but an hour away. No matter what environment best suits you; Commerce is the center of everything!

What is your favorite A&M-Commerce Tradition: My favorite tradition would have to be the Pride Walk that occurs during Lion Camp. As a new student, the feeling of walking through the campus with both faculty and staff cheering you on and welcoming you is an awesome experience. It really makes you feel like part of the pride!

What is one fun fact about yourself that students would find interesting? A fun fact about me is that I’m universally known throughout campus as the “Taco-Man”. I’m a firm believer in “Taco Tuesday” and wear taco themed business socks every Tuesday while I eat Tacos. If your ever in need of a recommendation for tacos please let me know!

Kourtney Davis

Kourtney Davis

Name: Kourtney Davis
College Major: Political Science
Hometown: Quinlan, TX
Job Title: Admissions Counselor
Direct Phone: 903-886-5112

Territory: Northeast Texas (Bowie, Camp, Cass, Delta, Fannin, Franklin, Hopkins, Hunt, Lamar, Morris, Rains, Red River, Rockwall, Titus, Upshur and Wood County), Northeast Texas Community College & Paris Junior College.

Where did you go to College? East Texas A&M University

What did you study and why that Major? Political Science, I have always been interested in government, politics, and what our elected officials are doing. Also, the powers, we as citizens, have to initiate change and create a better community for ourselves. 

What are some of your favorite things about Commerce? Definitely the community like feel we have on campus. Not only as a student, but as a professional, the relationships a student is able to make, will serve them throughout their education, as well as personal and professional life. The connections made here, will lead you beyond.

What is your favorite A&M - Commerce tradition? The freshman running of the field is my favorite. At the first home football game, freshman students run the football field, their one of their first chances to feel welcomed and become a part of just one of the things that makes TAMUC so great. 

What is one fun fact about yourself that students would find interesting? I AM A FUN FACT PERSON. If you know me, chances are I have told you some type of random information/fact you have never heard before. I have a knack for remembering these things, and an interest if I don’t know; I will ask or research for myself. I’ve learned this has always served as an ice breaker, or a conversation starter. Did you know- East Texas A&M University has had 6 different names in its 125+ year history???

Erika Woodruff

Erika Woodruff

Name:  Erika Woodruff
College Major: Bachelor of Science Interdisciplinary Studies
Graduate Degree: Master in Higher Education Administration with an emphasis in Counseling
Hometown: Grapevine, Texas
Job Title: Admissions Recruiter
Direct Phone: 903.468.3281

Territory: All high schools south of Dallas County to San Marcos, Texas including Midlothian, Red Oak, Waxahachie, Joshua, Rio Vista, Cleburne, Venus, Hillsboro, Itasca, Ennis, Ferris, Avalon, Italy, Maypearl, Palmer, Burleson, and Alvarado. In my area are also Independent School Districts in Central Texas/Waco including Bosque, McLennan, Limestone, Bell, Milam, Lee, Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, Hamilton, and Coryell. Last but not least, I also visit with community college transfer students from TSTC Waco and McLennan College.

Where are you from: I was born in Chihuahua, Mexico but moved to Texas when I was just about 2 years old, so I guess the saying of “getting here as fast as I could” is true to me. I lived in Houston, Texas during my early years in elementary then made the move the greatest metroplex, Dallas/Fort Worth and been here ever since then.

Where did you go to College? I attended Texas A&M University – Commerce Where I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree and my Master’s Degree

What did you Study and why that Major: I obtained my Bachelor of Science degree in interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis early Bilingual Education with the purpose of teaching students who are growing up with two languages and not just one. Now obtaining my Masters in Higher Education Administration with the emphasis in counseling allows me to grow my passion even further, TO EMPOWER, EDUCATE, AND MENTOR OUR POPULATIONS.

What are some of your favorite things about Commerce: Commerce, Texas is a fairly small town but I consider that as a good characteristic to have. As a student I was able to stay away from the fast pace world outside of Commerce and focus on my studies but when it is time to go out and have a little fun, Greenville, Texas is only 15 minutes away and Dallas, Texas is 45 minutes away.

What is your favorite A&M - Commerce Tradition:My favorite tradition at Texas A&M University – Commerce is Blue & Gold Wednesday, I love seeing all of the students and professional staff comes together in showing some fun school spirit!

What is one fun fact about yourself that students would find interesting:I love to listen to Christmas music all year round (shhhhh… don’t tell anyone).

Joseph Stiles

Joseph Stiles

Name: Joseph Stiles
College Major: Mass Communication – Broadcasting Electronic Media
Hometown: Heath, Texas
Job Title: Admissions Recruiter
Direct Phone: 903-468-3026

Territory: Tarrant County, West Texas, Panhandle, and El Paso

Where are you from:Heath, Texas

Where did you go to College? West Texas A&M University

What did you Study and why that Major: Mass Communication – Broadcasting Electronic Media

I wanted to work for the TV show COPs or be a camera man for a major sports network.

What are some of your favorite things about Commerce: My favorite thing about Commerce, Texas is the school spirit the whole town has for the university. No matter where you turn you will see a “Go Lions!” sign!

What is your favorite A&M - Commerce Tradition: My favorite the Book of Knowledge. The rumor is that if you kiss the Book of Knowledge you will graduate on time with a 4.0 GPA.

What is one fun fact about yourself that students would find interesting: I once held the record at my high school for pole vault.

Peggy Borchardt

Peggy Borchardt

Name: Peggy Borchardt, M.Ed.
College Major: Master of Education
Hometown: Cedar Creek Lake, Texas
Job Title: Senior Admissions Counselor
Direct Phone: 903-468-3206

Territory: Dallas County Community College District, Kilgore College, Trinity Valley Community College, Tyler Junior College, out-of-state colleges, and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society members.

What did you Study and why that Major: My undergraduate degree was the Bachelor of Science in Recreation and Leisure Studies, because I was interested in a career in commercial recreation. I had the pleasure of working in Dallas, first, in front office operations and reservations at a major luxury hotel chain and, later, at a senior retirement resort community in the activity department. The hotel was the first “computerized” hotel in Dallas. It turned out I had a hidden talent for understanding computers, so the management added new employee computer training to my responsibilities. I returned to school, earned a Master of Education in Technical Education, then, taught or administered technology education at technical and community colleges for fourteen years!

What are some of your favorite things about Commerce: Where do I start – it’s the entire package – the food, the friendships, the NCAA Division II sports and all that comes with that, the swimming pool and the climbing wall, the outdoor adventure program, the Starbucks, and all of the resources, clubs, and student organizations available to students to enjoy.  Plus, I love the school colors – Blue & Gold!

What is your favorite A&M - Commerce Tradition: The Legacy.  Alumni always take the time to stop by and say “Hello!” to the admissions recruiters when we are at outreach and recruitment events.  They delight us with their stories about their college days and their professors.  The best take away is their good memories of “Old ET” and how these college kids are now teachers, artists, engineers, doctors, lawyers, vets, business owners, musicians, scientists, coaches, accountants, social workers, actors, writers, computer professionals,  farmers and ranchers, superintendents, managers, paralegals, first responders, astronomers, and community leaders.  It’s a Great Day to be a Lion!

What is one fun fact about yourself that students would find interesting? My guilty pleasure is ordering the 3-meat plate at Texas barbeque joints and finishing the entire meal – sides and desserts, too! I’ll swim it off tomorrow.

Carlos Ruiz

Carlos Ruiz

Name: Carlos Ruiz
College Major: Interdisciplinary Studies with Bilingual certification/Higher Education M.S
Hometown: Sulphur Springs, TX
Job Title: Admissions Recruiter
Direct Phone: 903-468-8755

Territory: All high schools in Dallas and anything in San Antonio down

Where are you from: I grew up in Sulphur Springs, TX. Small community where everyone knew each other and was very involved!

Where did you go to College? I attended East Texas A&M University!

What did you Study and why that Major: I Studied Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on bilingual education. I wanted to become a teacher and help students! I continued with my education and obtained a Masters degree to continue to help students in pursuing an education through higher education.

What are some of your favorite things about Commerce: Commerce, TX is a town where everyone gets involved, whether its attending the college athletic games or serving the community in special projects around town. The town is perfect for those students looking to venture out and become leaders among their peers. A great place to meet new people from around the world and be in a safe and welcoming environment!

What is your favorite A&M - Commerce Tradition:My favorite tradition would have to be the running of the field during the first football game! Every new student has to run across the football field and cheer on their Football team in our very first home game!

What is one fun fact about yourself that students would find interesting?One fun fact about me is that I have watched and re-watched the series “The Office” plenty of times to even attend different trivia games in restaurants with friends about the show. It is a blessing and a curse to know so much information about the show, but its’s my favorite.

Sarah Ahrend

Sarah Ahrend

Name: Sarah Ahrend
College Major: B.S. Psychology
Hometown: Flower Mound, TX
Job Title: Admissions Counselor II
Direct Phone: 903-468-3077

Territory: South of I-20 and Houston

Where did you go to college? I attended LeTourneau University where I majored in Psychology. I chose Psychology because I have always been interested in why people do what they do and how trauma can affect a person’s brain, especially when it comes to kids. I have also wanted to help people for as long as I can remember and this major really helped sharpen my skills on how to help in the most effective way.

What are some of your favorite things about Commerce? I actually love that it is a small town! I grew up north of the metroplex and could not wait to get out. There is room to breathe out here and some really neat opportunities and experiences that you cannot have in a big city. Also, coffee, I love coffee so as long as there is a coffee shop locally there is no reason to not like a town.

What is your favorite A&M- Commerce tradition? One tradition I really enjoy is blue and gold Wednesday. It is really cool to see everyone on campus being able to have the opportunity to support A&M- Commerce. It is kind of a reminder that you are not alone and there are other people on your team, fighting for the same end goal.

What is one fun fact about yourself that students would find interesting? My favorite animals in the whole wide world are hippos. I think they are incredibly majestic. They are very lazy and spend most of their days sleeping in the sun but are categorized as one of the most vicious animals. I could spend hours at the zoo waiting for them to wake up and move around their water because they cannot technically even swim.