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Minors - Graduate

The College of Business offers several minors that can be added to any master's program offered at TAMU-Commerce. For majors outside of business (sciences, education, ag, etc.) major program advisor approval (complete this form) is required.

  • Accounting
  • Agribusiness
  • *Business Analytics (cannot be added to MSBUSA)
  • *Cyber Security
  • *Digital Marketing
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Financial Planning
  • Healthcare Administration
  • International Business
  • Marketing
  • *Marketing Analytics
  • *Corporate Management
  • *Entrepreneurship

Any minor above can be added to the MBA program. Minors depicted with a * can be added to any graduate degree offered at TAMU-Commerce (unless noted). Complete the Request for a Minor form and submit the form to your academic advisor.

NOTE: Prerequisite courses (ACCT 501, ECO 501, ECO 502, FIN 501, MGT 501 and MKT 501) cannot be considered as an elective in any Graduate Program in Business. The General MBA requires completion of 6 hours of electives. If a minor is desired, all elective hours should be taken in the minor area, as outlined below. Any minor can be added to the MBA program. Minors depicted with a * can be added to any graduate degree offered at TAMU-Commerce (unless noted). Complete the Request for a Minor form and submit the form to your academic advisor.

At least four courses from Accounting. (Includes Acct 525)

AGribusiness (Ag)
Choose one from AG 505 or AEC 550 and choose three from AEC 520, AEC 530, AEC 540 and AEC 560

BUSA 526 Database Management, 542 Applied Decision Modeling and two from: BUSA 516 Mobile Business, 523 Business Analytics Programming, 532 Data Warehousing, 533 Cyber Security and IT Auditing, 536 Mobile Security Intelligence, 537 Advanced Analytics, 539 Cyber Forensics & Info Security Policy Governance, 541 Global Network Design, 580 Internship or 597 Special Topic.

NOTE:  Additional pre-reqs may be required for this minor.  View the graduate catalog for the most current list for each course in the minor.  Contact your advisor with any questions. 

Choose 4 of the following: MGT 550 Corp Governance & Sustainability, 555 Project Management, 567 Managing Groups/Teams, 583 Seminar in Leadership, 586 Managing at the Edge, 587 Executive Development, 590 Global Competiveness, 592 Current Issues in HRM, 594 Transforming Organizations and 597 Special Topic

BUSA 526 Database Management, 533 Cyber Security and IT Auditing, 536 Movile Security Intelligence, 539 Cyber Forensics & Info Security Policy Governance.

NOTE:  Additional pre-reqs may be required for this minor.  View the graduate catalog for the most current list for each course in the minor.  Contact your advisor with any questions. 

MKT 568 Advertising & Promotion, MKT 569 Digital Marketing, MKT 573 Internet Marketing and MKT 580 Marketing Internship

At least four courses from Economics. (Includes ECO 562 and/or 576 | Excludes 595, 578, 501 and 502)

Choose 4 of the following: MGT 570 New Venture Management, 530 The Entrepreneur, 555 Project Management, FIN 520 Advanced Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital, MKT 573 Internet Marketing, BUSA 516 Movile Business and Mgt 597 Special Topic

FIN 504 Financial Management, 510 Investment Seminar and two from: FIN 520 Advanced Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital, 530 Fundamentals of Financial Planning, 533 Applied Financial & Economic Forecasting, 550 Portfolio Management in Excel, 571 International Business Finance.

FIN 504 Financial Management, 510 Investment Seminar, 530 Fundamentals of Financial Planning and one from: FIN 534 Advanced Risk, Insurance & Estate Planning or 536 Advanced Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits.

ECO 555 Health Care Services in the US, 556 Health Economics, 557 Health Policy and one from: ECO 562 Managerial Economics or ECO 576 Macroeconomics for Managers.

Any four courses from: ECO 528 International Economic Problems, FIN 571 Internationals Business Finance, Mgt 590 Global Competitiveness or 597 Special Topic, MKT 586 International Marketing. Students may also substitute up to four courses from the British Studies program (Approved topics).

At least four courses from Marketing. (Includes MKT 521)

MKT 569 Digital Marketing, MKT 574 CRM, MKT 572 Seminar in Marketing Research and MKT 570 Marketing Analytics & Intelligence

The Management department offers several programs for the completion of a graduate interdisciplinary minor. The required semester hours (SH) for each minor program are included, along with a description of the nature and goals of the minor program.

  • Minor in Corporate Management (4 total courses required)
  • Entrepreneurship Minor(4 total courses required)

Minor in Corporate Management (4 total courses required)

A minor in corporate management offers a focused examination of management skills and business practices used within the corporate business world. This minor allows interested students to explore in greater detail the issues and challenges of corporate management, and gain insight and understanding that will convey considerable value in the business management environment.

Choose 4 courses below:

Course Description
MGT 550 Corporate Governance & Sustainability
MGT 555 Project Management
MGT 567 Managing Groups & Teams
MGT 583 Seminar in Leadership
MGT 586 Managing at the Edge
MGT 590 Global Competitiveness
MGT 592 Current Issues in Human Resource Management
MGT 587 Executive Development
MGT 594 Transforming Organizations
MGT 597 Topics will vary (Advisor approval required)

Entrepreneurship Minor (4 total courses required)

This minor is tailored for students that desire to gain skills and insight into successful entrepreneurial practices. The courses are designed to expose the student to a number of entrepreneurial topics, and will impart knowledge that will enable them to understand and plan for issues that face startups and new businesses.

Choose 4 courses below:

Course Description
MGT 530 The Entrepreneur
MGT 555 Project Management
MGT 570 New Venture Management
FIN 520 Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital
MKT 573 Internet Marketing
BUSA 516 Mobile Business
MGT 597 Topics will vary (Advisor approval required)


Descriptions of New Undergraduate/Graduate Minor Courses

Mgt 330/530 The Entrepreneur

This course is geared towards gaining theoretical and applied understanding of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurial lifestyle. In particular, this course addresses the implications of personality, attitudes, ethical challenges, environmental scanning and opportunity recognition mind-frame, biases and heuristics, decision-making processes, on the life of an entrepreneur.

Mgt 350/550 Corporate Governance and Sustainability

The class presents an in-depth examination of the issues related to corporate governance in an ethical society. General theories of governance provide a foundation for an examination of the role governance decisions play in promoting the long-run sustainability of the community in which the firm operates. Global comparative analysis will help identify best practices in internal and external governance mechanisms.

Mgt 370/570 New Venture Management

The purpose of this course is to teach students about the opportunity recognition, analysis and exploitation process. Students will learn to scan the environment for opportunities and develop a business plan to help assess the opportunity (market research, market segmentation, industry, competition and financial analysis) and to develop comprehensive plans to exploit the identified opportunity (marketing, operation and financial plan).

Mgt 390/555 Project Management (Fall)

This course is geared towards teaching students the fundamentals of project management based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge developed by the Project Management Institute. In particular, students will learn about scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communication and procurement management and develop a comprehensive project plan accordingly.