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MS Finance students received The Excellence Award in Graduate Research

Huan Guo and Wilfred ZoungranaHuan (Alicia) Guo and Wilfred Zoungrana

MS Finance students Huan (Alicia) Guo and Wilfrid S. Zoungrana received The Excellence Award in Graduate Research at the Annual Research Symposium 2014. The research topic was Valuation of Intangible Assets with Real Options Theory and they were advised by Dr. Kurtay Ogunc.

Their presentation introduces another valuation method i.e. Real Option Theory to better measure the intangible asset and help companies to make strategic plans with more precision. The framework of this presentation was:

  • Definition of intangible asset
  • Disadvantage of using traditional method to evaluate intangible asset
  • Introduction of real option theory (how does real option theory works)
  • Advantages and disadvantages (uncertain factors) of real option theory