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Distinguished Speaker Series: Rocky R. Miracle

The Economics and Finance Society is having the first of the spring semester Distinguished Speaker Series. Rocky R. Miracle, Senior Vice President of Corporate Planning and Development for El Paso Electric (NYSE ticker symbol: EE) will be speaking to students today at 3:30 in BA 343. In this role he coordinates strategic planning and is responsible for corporate development, renewable initiatives, purchase power agreements, demand and energy forecasting, information technology, supply chain, facilities, fleet, and land management activities.

Miracle is an alumni of the TAMUC MBA program, in addition to a a B.B.A. in Finance from The University of Texas, an M.A. in Political Economy from UT-Dallas, an M.A. in Leadership Studies from UTEP.

He will be speaking about how his education has contributed to his success, advice for students, and will leave plenty of time for questions and answers. Please join us, and please invite your students to take advantage of this opportunity.