Ally Alternative Format
Below is sample text for faculty to use in a course announcement if you are using the Ally platform. One of the features is a student facing widget called "alternative formats," the icon looks like an "A" with a small arrow next to it.
"This course uses the Blackboard Ally accessibility platform. One feature of this platform is the availability of Alternative Formats for uploaded content. Your instructor probably has many different items of learning content in your course. Ally creates alternative formats for those content items, which could be an audio file, HTML, or PDF. You can download the alternative formats anywhere you see Ally's alternative formats download icon. Just choose the version of the original that is best for your needs!
Look for the Download Alternative Formats icon and download a format that suits your learning needs. Example of icon as how it may appear in the course:

Don’t stick to just one format! Use as many formats as you want.
Need help choosing? More on alternative formats
(from Ally support resources)."