FLL 500 Level Courses
503. Practical Spanish for Bilingual Situations. Three semester hours.
Spanish-language development for personnel of schools and other agencies servicing Spanish-speaking persons of limited English proficiency. Practice is oriented toward the attainment of increased fluency, with emphasis being placed on conversational situations relevant to school functions. The course includes an advanced treatment of the use of Spanish in bilingual/multicultural environments.
504. Advanced Practical Spanish for Bilingual Situations. Three semester hours.
Advanced Spanish-language development for personnel of schools and of other agencies serving Spanish-speaking persons of limited English proficiency. Preparation in conversation, reading comprehension, and writing at an advanced practical level. This course includes an advanced treatment of the use of Spanish in written and oral bilingual/multicultural educational environments.
511. Teaching a Second Language. Three semester hours.
An advanced analysis of linguistic structures and cultural patterns important in second language instruction, emphasizing methodology and sociolinguistic applications for bilingual and Spanish instructors. Taught in Spanish.
512. Advanced Review of Spanish Grammar. Three semester hours.
A course designed for students who already have knowledge of the Spanish language. Emphasis will be placed on all essential aspects of grammar. Oral proficiency will also be stressed. This course will address the needs of teachers of Spanish and bilingual teachers as well as those who wish to improve their Spanish language skills.
597. Special Topics. One to four semester hours.
Organized class. May be repeated when topics vary. Prerequisite: Permission of the department head.
599. Bibliography and Methods of Research. Three semester hours.(Same as Eng 599)
Instructional emphasis upon manuscript preparation and format, research techniques, and research methodology appropriate to foreign-language scholarship.