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Admissions Recruiters

What are Admissions Recruiters?

Our Admissions Recruiters are representatives working in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Their goal is to assist each and every prospective  student in preparing application materials, and completing all procedures directly related to the student’s enrollment at Texas A&M University- Commerce. Admissions Recruiters are often the “face” of the University, representing Texas A&M University- Commerce at college fairs, school visits or programs, and community events. They serve in many roles and are most often seen as mentors, life coaches, higher education advocates, and friends.

How do they serve the student?

Admissions Recruiters serve students by ensuring they have all the information needed to start and complete the application process. There are many steps to the process and the admission recruiter is there to assist the student and their families and answer any questions they may have. They are in constant contact with student to make sure all documentation is received to complete their application and provide additional counsel on admissions decisions. Once the student is admitted, the admissions recruiter will inform them of the next steps in the transition such as completing the FAFSA, applying for scholarships and housing and registering for New Student Orientation. The Recruiter will also connect students to other university representatives when special assistance is needed.

What kind of questions can they answer for the student?

Admissions Recruiters answer various questions like the following:

  • How can I apply to Texas A&M- Commerce? 
  • Can I apply in person or online? 
  • Must I have completed taking the SAT or ACT prior to applying? 
  • What SAT or ACT score must I have to be admitted to Texas A&M- Commerce? 
  • Does Texas A&M look more at class rank or GPA when making admissions decisions? 
  • What fields of study are you most widely known for? 
  • Do I have to live on campus
  • Do you have good academic programs? 
  • What is your relation to Texas A&M University in College Station?

How do I find out who my Admissions Recruiter is?

View the Admissions Recruiter Assignments