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Fall 2015 Graduate Comprehensive Exam Results

The pass/fail result of the comp exam can be learned by emailing Ms. Rosalyn Rose. Note that the exam papers have been triple-checked by all the graders with diligence. Students who still want to appeal their results will need to go through the appeal process; they need to send a letter via email to their program coordinator (Dr. Kim for MS CSCI or Dr. Sakoglu for MS CPSI) asking for a review of their exam. 

Note that the department provides only the pass/fail result, so do Not ask about your score, and the appealing request can be made only once during your graduate study. So if you have appealed any comp exam result that you have taken before, you are not eligible to appeal again. In your appeal, you need to state 'I took the comp exam in ...[insert semester(s) year(s) here ]... and I have never appealed my result.' 

Inquiries which do not abide by the above instructions may not receive a response. 

Graduate students who have failed their 2nd attempt need to work together with their advisers to come up with a solid plan on how they will be studying for their 3rd attempt and what specific steps they will be taking. Contact your advisers ASAP to start working on your plan. The deadline to finalize the plan and submit the 3rd attempt form is by the end of the first week of the semester that the 3rd comp exam will be taken.

Deadline for appeal is 5pm Wednesday Nov 25th.


CS Department