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Important Announcement for the MS Students

Dear Students,

Here are the results for [CSCI] and [CPSI].

If you want to learn your comprehensive exam total score/percentage, send an email to your coordinator (Dr. Kim [] for CSCI or Dr. Sakoglu [] for CPSI) before Wednesday, 4/15/2015 5pm CST.

Put "Request for Comprehensive exam score" in the subject of your email.

If you failed the exam and if you want to appeal, the deadline to submit your appeal form to the department is Friday, 4/17/2015 5pm CST.

Comp Exam Appeal Procedure: If you want to appeal your comp exam result, you need to write and submit a letter addressed to the Department; state that you want to appeal your comprehensive exam result which you took on 3/26/2015. Also include your full contact information, date and sign, and hand it to Ms. Rosalyn Rose before Friday, April 17th 5pm CST and then notify your coordinator once you submit.
The letter will go into your folder.
Note that you may be limited to appeal your comp exam only once during your studies.

Note: DO NOT ask your score if you passed the exam.

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