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Spring 2021 Comprehensive Exam Signup

The MS CS and MS CPSI comprehensive exams for the SPRING semester will take place on Thursday, March 25th, 2021 at 2pm

All students should be in your final semester to be eligible to take the exam.

Registration deadline:

  • The last day to register is March 01, 2021.


  • 2 hours for Computer Science
  • 1 hour 35 minutes for Computational Science

Exam Format:

  • Online

We will have two D2L course shells, one for Computer Science and another for Computational Science. If you are taking the Computer Science comprehensive exam then you will be in the D2L Comprehensive Exam for Computer Science, otherwise the Computational Science one.

The exam will be similar to previous comprehensive exams. You will need to solve the exam for all core subjects and each subject will have two questions for you to pick one from. We will post the exams online on D2L at 2 pm as MS Word or pdf format. You will work on the questions and submit your answers online before the deadline. There will be no need for a camera from your side, only the ability to access D2L.

Most of the questions are prepared so you can easily type your answers instead of writing them by hand and scanning your copy. Please make sure to benefit from this and only write your answers by hand when it is necessary. If you are writing your answers by hand and scanning your answers, make sure that your handwriting is readable.

Guidelines can be found here: Comprehensive Exam Guidelines