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Energy Conservation Operation Plan

Energy Conservation is the responsibility of everyone on campus. Only through the efforts of employees and students can we control wasteful activities.

  1. The hours of air conditioning and heating support on campus will be reduced according to published schedules, to include any extended holiday periods or shortened workday periods.
  2. Temperature levels will be set according to the Temperature Control Table. The table is as follows:
Temperature Control Table
  Heating Setpoint Range Cooling Setpoint Range
Winter Spring, Summer, Fall
Occupied 70-72° F 74-76° F
Unoccupied 60° F 85° F

The occupied environmental conditions specified above will be maintained between the hours of 6:00 am till 9:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Environmental conditions will be maintained at the unoccupied conditions at all other times, including Saturdays after 5pm, Sundays, Holidays, Spring Break and inter-session breaks.

  1. During cooling periods, compressors in each building will be cycled during regular working hours on a random basis to lower the peak demand.
  2. Staff and Faculty are requested to turn off unnecessary lights in classrooms and offices when unoccupied and at the end of the working day.
  3. Staff and Faculty will be requested to turn off all individual air units at the end of each day.
  4. Students will be requested to turn off unnecessary lights, and housing staff will monitor general areas of residence halls periodically for unnecessary lighting in occupied spaces.
  5. Custodial Staff will monitor lighting and turn off lights in unoccupied classrooms and other areas (such as hallways) unless this would create a hazard. Supervisory Personnel during the evening hours will monitor outdoor lighting on campus as well as the University Police Department.
  6. University Police Department will monitor broadly lighted areas at night to eliminate wasteful lighting (tennis courts, Intramural fields, etc.) All lights in such areas will be turned off when facilities are not being used.
  7. Special Events and non-academic activities scheduled in normal conservation periods will be limited. If events are deemed appropriate and necessary, attempts must be made to schedule them in buildings that will have individual air conditioning/heating support at those times.
  8. Building Staff in facilities such as the Library and Recreation Center, which operate after hours, will be expected to monitor the buildings to insure that HVAC are operated only as needed and that all unnecessary lighting is turned off. The staffs are expected to take advantage of zoned heating and cooling areas for functions after regular operating hours.
  9. One person shall be designated each year in each major building to be responsible for conservation of energy efforts (make recommendations on decreased lighting, report leaky faucets, other energy saving measures, etc.)
  10. Attempts to turn on large equipment, major lighting and other mechanical must be coordinated through Facilities in order to avoid unnecessary demand charges